Car Service

EV charges vendors of power charges and Connects

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Both the station owner and the driver has the power charge providers unmatched customer service. The support team is always available at any time to assist with sales. EV connect along with power charge provides 24/7/365 drivers are the supportive center and station owners are always knowns as supported. EV connect also to their mobile, the app empowers drivers to gain real-time charging visibility and it may include all the activity, locations, access, and payments. The output from the 16 to 70 amp and entended warranties. Pedestal or wall are available for power charge stations in the single/dual/quad. They giving more service to the customers

 Power charge energy

The best electric vehicle charging solution is designed by the power charge energy series that will quickly charge any EV.EV charges the range up to 25 miles per charging hour less than 4 hours fully charged EVs.For indoor/garage use are simply plugged 6-50 outlet in the stations needs to weird.allows to control the connect version and charger is mounted in the power charge app at the push of a button .controlling and monitoring your charge with the help of power charging app.powet output of the power to the charge with 7.6kw/32 amp. Smaller footprint than a sheet of paper in the energy series.

The software of EV charging


By using their white label EV charging software to manage the software easily by EV charging infrastructure. their point charge administrated on a multilevel web portal with separated roles and responsibilities. They have software for managing EV charging and fits their business need.EV smart charging system solution has the industry leader in the green charging technologies is delivered by our electric vehicle. Their charging points are endless that can be connected to smart charging and they expand their local gird capacity also. It often requires cable, larger, transformation stations. They have millions of larger building that is running in the expenditures capital. There is no use in using the upgrade with expensive extension for connection or cables. A key part of demand response portfolio become a smart charging.they can be easily managed by charging vehicle of timing and intensity. The result of every place in the market electricity it touches every part of the benefits of a plethora.EV owners can be saved from lower cost to the higher cost in the payment for the supply for the ancillary services to the grid. They have more effective and cost energy bringing system to all utility customers

Remote access for support

The EV remote management has offered the software to views the possibilities. They make a change and manage configuration settings and get all information about the charge points and charge transactions instantly. Analyzing all operations and provide support to EV drivers. They have a platform of showing all point charges of our EV charging under their control and easily allow the network of new charging stations. All their charges are connected by the cloud via, wants to make a possible to have real-time interactions and exchanges command individual point charge of making resetting. They always are monitoring the network to maintain foe infrastructure healthy charging for EV drivers such as locations, hardware and manufacturer.