
Everything about 2FDCK

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2FDCK also known as 2-Fl-2′-Oxo-PCM or 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine is a lesser-known dissociative substance of the class arylcyclohexylamines which is known for producing common effects like dissociation, inducing medical anesthesia, and hallucinogenic effects. The structure formed by this substance is closely related to arylcyclohexylamines like ketamine and deschloroketamine which is why it comes as no surprise that the effects caused by this research chemical are also near-identical to the other two. The major use of this chemical is done for its recreational purposes which is why it more known for its “trip” inducing capabilities rather than all the other functions it provides like acting as an antidepressant over small dosages when mixed with other compounds, or how its varying doses can easily induce a medical state of unconsciousness. 2FDCk as its full name suggests is an analogue of ketamine.

The best use for this substance so far has been considered for recreational purposes due to its high tolerance and effects like producing hallucinations or also known as “out of the body” experience (which is also known as “dissociative anesthesia”) but the key factor in determining if this state will be achieved or not still retains on how high the dosage is and whether is it being regulated over a certain time gap or not. These are very rare effects only seen in a few members of the arylcyclohexylamines class which is why 2FDCK is highly in demand. Usually, it is given to people on al-lad blotters which helps retain the volume and is a really easy way to transport without any kerf loss. The research chemical is easily accessible online for research purposes and is currently being sold as designer Research chem replacement for ketamine makes it even more demanding in the current scientific literature.

There has not been enough research done on whether it has similar effects to that of ketamine which is why it is impossible to rule out the possibility that this chemical can easily replace the much well researched and documented ketamine. Using ketamine shows that frequent use carries the potential long-term risk of neurodegeneration and in monkeys, there are signs of brain cells dying because of the high exposure frequency no matter how small the dosage was used. The effects seen here are not limited to just rhesus monkeys, even in neonatal rats we see similar brain damage and because of the fact that how closely our brain structure relates to that of a rat it is quite possible, we will see similar effects in human clinical trials if done. There is one feature that 2FDCK has over ketamine which is that if the exposure period is prolonged and the dosage is kept relatively lower there are no signs of permanent damage or any other significant change in our brain chemistry which is why its recreational use is much better than that of ketamine and its compounding products.

All the documented research on this chemical is subjective and can vary from test to test but the main reason why there is no concrete results and documentation is because of the fact that this chemical was recently put into the spotlight of scientific literature and neuroscientists all around the world did not have enough time to do proper research. There are documented short studies but there is no long term study published yet which calls the question whether this Research chem should be publicly traded or not. The effects and its long term results are only speculations based on its structure and how closely it relates to other chemicals like ketamine & DCK and that way predictions are made on how this Research chem would affect in a similar way but with the switched up components what will change.

Keeping this in mind, most researchers consider 2- Fluorodeschloroketamine to act as an NMDA receptor antagonist meaning the NMDA receptors which allow electrical signals to pass on between the neuron stems in the brain and spinal cord are being covered by this chemical. Acting on its own accord it attaches itself to the receptors and blocks all the signals that are being perceived by our senses or sent by the brain; This is highly dependent on how high the dosage the test subject is taking but due to the high tolerance against chemicals like this 2FDCK is relatively safer to use. This leads to the common effects we see in other chemical usages like ketamine or DCK like, loss of feeling, numbing of all our senses, losing the ability to focus, and losing our sense of depth.

There are many problems associated with the use of this Research chem over time and if not regulated by an expert, the varying levels of problems can occur depending on the dosage quantity and the time interval with each use. Common symptoms that start as “flow state” or “being in the zone” can easily turn into bad after tastes like vomiting, nausea, headache, and severe stomach pain. Ketamine, 2FDCK’s parent chemical is known for its permanent bladder problems but there have been no signs of damage among the test subjects as of right now but extensive research is being done on it as we speak. You can easily order this to use from lizard labs which have amazing components like lizard powder or lizard pellets which essentially is 2FDCK packed in the ideal way to transport overseas or locally. You can get flunitrazolam pellets in the form of 3-fpm pellets and the prices are variant depending on how much you buy(you can buy as low as flualprazolam 1mg) or you can get the deals like 3-MMC pellets which are much cheaper when bought with other research chemicals that are often bought together like ald-52 powder or you can buy norflurazepam. The Research chem is closely monitored inside the states so you need to be careful about the permits you need to get if you want to use this research chemical, you can easily find all the details about this by going on the internet and searching 2 fdck usa.